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Biker Singles

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It's not about where you ride, but who you ride with...

The wind in your hair, the sun in your eyes and only the open road ahead. That is the life. If you love riding as much as we do, then create a quick profile and find yourself a riding partner. Our users vary from casual weekend riders to the hardcore bikers who attend every biker rally they can.

Read the great review wrote about us. They've ranked Biker Next in the top five best dating sites for bikers!

Meet Bikers Who Share Your Passion





How it works

Quick Registration

Create a quick personalized profile, add photos and describe your ideal partner.

Browse Real Profiles

Find a biker near you based on location or age and make a connection today.

Start Communicating

It is easy to flirt, so take the first step to improve your weekends.

Wherever You Ride...Keep Yourself Connected

Check out Biker Next on your mobile devices (smartphones & tablets), and never lose access to your new favorite biker dating site wherever you ride. Our mobile versions give you easy access to browse other bikers while on the road and it's always being improved!

Download our app for Android and iOS